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Product Function and Structural Design -- Fubo


Course Fee : Free

Welcome to the video course of Product Function and Structural Design.

We generally divide the life cycle of a product into five stages: works, products, commodities, supplies and wastes. Through these five stages, we can easily find that the life cycle of a product is a process develop from nothing to the end. As for a product, function refers to its usage, value and purpose in use, and also refers to the utility to be provided and the ability to be accepted. The function of a product determines its purpose and value in existence.

During the product designing and developing, designers need to take into account various factors like function, appearance, technology implementation, material application, production process, marketing and promotion, environmental protection and sustainable development.

The main purpose of this course is to understand the basic tasks of design, understand the product function setting and structure implementation, understand the classification and decomposition of functions, and master the methods of function and structure design, so as to apply them to the design work.

It is hoped that through the study of this course, students can design products with creativity, unique conception and novel appearance.